Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Here there be

a dragon, oh dear, a dragon. Instead of red, gold or black, these are rant, rave and whine. Apparently not ironic however. The entire post would have been blank. Or is that truth. Ironic would be reading it and watching it turn blank. Perhspas it's a magical ironic truth dragon. The kind I found last Thursday night near the entrance to Radio-Shack before being re-routed to the All Batteries IN THE WORLD store in quest of CR2330. Nearly at the door this kind of thing pop up as being simple, trite and quite polite then becomes more like a half-eaten discarded scone on the sidewalk. Ants love it. Ironically they share. Truthfully I would not. Dragon dispensary that's a ticket to ride. Though before you ride. Be aware.

There are no dragons. Or are you still not drawing a blank. Half of infinity is still a pretty big number. Deck those val-halls. Don't forget to kick the wyrmm on the way out.