In the world of instant communication, television, intarwebs, cell-phones and twisted-pair spooky action at a distance entanglements this critter dares ask the question... am I being served?
Indeed you are my friend, indeed you are.
Electronic mana raining from the heavens, filling your little head with all manners of thoughts. 24/7 entertainment straight cross the pipes and into your abode.
Served like nobodies business. In fact, tis time for contrarian Bob to make an appearance... it's EVERYBODIES business you are into.
Now that the world is your circus and your digital daily bread is delivered straight into your sparking little ne0-cortex of utter impressibility. You ARE BEING SERVED.
Christ on a crutch! Does all that meaty service come with vaseline?
It comes slathered in mayonaise, fake microwaveable cheez spread, and a side of pork-free bacon.
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