Thursday, September 04, 2008


graft is to blame. heya... time for more of the same. so there is a raft in the kitchen. why it's flying the jolly roger remains unseen. despite this the way to the fridge appears navigable. veering to the northwest in order to find passage the way will be replete with unseen dangers. wrinkles upon the rug, breadcrumbs, dead bilge-rats to name but a few. should the way be won the return is no less perilous. laden with dairy, vegetable and meat goods movements and responses will be slowed. beware the pirates of the nook. nearly last year there was this incident with newly backed ginger-snap cookies which could have amounted to an international incident and resulted in the invasion of Libya. then it turned out that the pirates were not of the mediterranean variety and were more of the meditative tax-imposing kind --intent upon setting up a client-state for wealth and prestige. good thing they were set straight once the whole concept of legalized gambling on Indian land was brought up. Up to the point where the confusion arose as to the difference between native americans and native indians. Sub-continents aren't quite as intuitive as might be guessed. thereby the trash never was taken out and the fridge door left ajar. small things to be sure, yet cataclysmic in the end as the rampant confusion between the source of the malodorous stench resulted in a wholescale mutiny followed by the creation of another pirate raft in the kitchen. next thing you know it's like the gates of Heracles in there. The only way being straight on through until morning.

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