Thursday, October 09, 2008


Jealousy proves everyone is the same. How about you just go to U down below, press play, and open this goodness in a new tab. Make it through the whole song you get a prize. Maybe the prize is your own sanity. Or lack thereof. Not that any judge should be. Though that is kind of the point isn't it. Comparison only works when things are roughly the same, but different. Say you got a flounder and a halibut. Both bottom feeders. Both fish. Then you got a star-fish. Now they all live underwater. Now you got yourself a library book on the 3rd shelf of the 2nd row of the stack on the left near the entrance. Not much in common. Maybe. All exist on earth. For starters. Judging by things it could and could not be similar. Matter, check. Carbon-based, check. Earth-bound, check. Proximately close, check. Green, fail. Contain green, check. Smell like oranges, fail. Quite obviously there is going to be a whole lot of stuff happening during this post if this goes on. So it won't. The assumption that the number of examples was too few may be in error. Maybe it is not all the same and more are better. Wait, maybe less. Wait what is this? Reaction, perception, thought, feelings are shared? Well damnation this gets confusing. Except you understood and were misunderstooded. Communication works nice that way.
Things got to be common enough to understand, too uncommon and you don't. Which done goes to show you jealousy is certainly skin deep. At least.

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