Sunday, January 25, 2009

feed live

One thing about portable breathalizers, they can be easy to lose when intoxicated. Loss of hand eye coordination, shyness, inhibitions and short term memory lapses each play a part in the resulting disappearance of the very device designed to identify and help prevents both its own loss and the aforementioned systems. Nearly enough however, is what can be told from a tale of individual twins with kleptomaniacal tendencies. In such times and places not only one, but two alcohawks may go missing nearly simultaneoulsy. Which is somewhat awkward when attempting to serve the hor de'oureves prior to the main course of braised rack of lamb. Instead, what happens is antipasta may appear. HOrribly enticing if you're into cultural fusion and the culinary train wrecks which follow with such regualar and predicatable frequency. What, wait is this thing on? Somebody get that tape.

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