Wednesday, February 13, 2008

VD-Day Minus 1

Twisted into the fabric of reality is this little thing I like to call irony.

See the flatlanders drive all over here thinking that the roads are all the same everywhere. Except that when you got hills and mountains and put a bunch of roads all over everywhere then there are these places where roads look like roads but really aren't roads in the flatlander sensibility.

There are curves, banks, twists, guard-rails, trees and weird mountain critters lurking in the underbrush outside the range of the headlights. About that time the whole flatland driving thing seems pretty attractive. Getting hot, dizzy and queasy and next thing the straight roads seem like heaven. Except the roads connecting the mountains to the flatlands ARE all the same... and once you've driven beyond the flatland there is no going back. There is no flatland. There is no mountain nor hill.

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