Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Holler it Loud, Pl3eez

Dont now know, and know now that intrigue leads to more interludes of sanity within the spaces of time in which all is lost.

That my friends is the start of a great play. The playwright, while famous, shall remain anonymous... and should you want to learn or read the rest, well... you're going to have to find the obscure book I pulled it from. Good luck with that. It's not like I went to google and told it I'm feeling lucky after typing in a few words I heard a caffine crazed co-worker spouting about watching tv last night. nope. do it though, there is a chance that somebody will get lucky and find it. then again maybe a million monkeys given a million years wouldn't find it either. should get you to wondering about the nature of words. how many ways can you put them together. are the meanings all the same every time? what would happen if you tested the same sentence on the same person every year. chaos. mass chaos and upheavel. tower of babel type stuff.

Take the phrase, "Please, hand me the chisel." how's that hit you? How would it sound to you should you decide to hear it again in 5 years, 10, 25, 60, 99? What if you died were reincarnated and came back someplace like Peru, didn't speak english, yet heard some wild missionary type say it whilst he was building a new church in your andean village? That's the question. Probably you'd hand him a chisel. Then with forethought kick over the ladder, turn the church into a casino hall, sell trinkets and alcohol, and end up emigrating somewhere else to enjoy the twilight years of your life. All because of a simple phrase. Makes you think words have real power, does it not?

Oh, and ever hear the phrase, "Caught the flu in
Chouteau?", now you have. Enjoy it.

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