Friday, April 27, 2007

Deep Fried Teens

It is best to keep your turducken in a plastic bag even if it is in the teens. Bugs? Not a problem until they evolve anti-freeze in their primitive little circulatory systems, but there is the ever present threat of tigers and in northerly latitudes, bears. We all know they won't eat what they can't smell. So keep it bagged, folks. For your own protection.

Texas has this weird latin-judeo-christian mix going on, so one would believe that turducken and HPV inoculation would be antithetical. Though like Werido Al is fond of saying, everything you know is wrong. You'd be wrong about Texas as well. Turns out you CAN have your turducken and teenage HPV innoculation after all! Could it be time to re-think creationism? A flat-world? Perhaps the time has come to consider that maybe those cherished beliefs are not sacrosanct after all.

Hey though, I am for mental extensions. Cyborg like. RAM-BUS for my brain. Fiber to my femur. IR, X-RAY eyes, ultrasonic ears. Metallic infused buckball oxygen delivery to my tissues. Sign me up. Now. Human viruses?

Those are so like bacon. Yesterday's news. The news today is deep fried turducken wrapped in bacon garnished with pork-rinds, drizzeled in chocolate ice-cream and frozen with liquid nitrogen. After all I'm sporting a hafnium powered, titanium lined composter for a stomach.

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