Sunday, August 05, 2007

Orinocco Sunset

Chicken = Diet Beef

Diet Beef = Fat Happy Consumer

Fat Happy Consumer = Chicken

So, clearly one can simply equate chicken and chicken as being the same thing. However, the astute among you will not that chicken is not chicken is not chicken. Perhaps someday with advanced cloning techniques chicken is chicken is chicken. Until that august day arrives, heralding a new era of uniform, clean, wholesome, economical, and tasty fried up goodness we are living in a world of chaos. CHOAS!!!! I tell you. It makes me quiver and sad everytime I eats the McGnugget knowing that it's an amalgamation of hundreds of different chickens. Someday my dream of eatting hundreds of ground up indentical chickens shall be bourne out. Chickens come out of their shells. Just like a unix prompt... they all come from somewhere... so maybe, just maybe someday instead of init spawning them it will be a vat of industrial protoplasmic incubatory gel. Multitudes of thousands of billions of identical chickens rising forth from that primordial ooze... and onto my dinnar plate. Num num num. I eat you all my good dear chicken freinds. You so tasty with a bit of cornmeal, salt, pepper and rendered bacon-fat lard. Even more tasty as I can tell you all taste exactly teh same nows! Long live the one true chicken of culinary goodness. Through your flesh we gain everlasting life, my avian culinary friend! May you live a quick and short life, and grace my plate with your presence. It does make you wonder though... if communion is like a cloning thing, and always the same bit o' the creator, or is it more like a special little peice just for you everytime?

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