Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tyrone Nicholas

You are somebody else. You and everyone else.
Seems to me to be a bit dissonant.
That you could be named Tyrone.
Then again so could someone else.
However, me, myself, and we are not the Tyrone.
No sir.
Not even Tyrone in the royal we.
Definately not even with green eggs and ham.
Jack or St those could not be Tyrone.
Though they can both be Nicholas.
Indeed both are. Which is quite wonderful.
That you be not Tyrone and just Nicholas.
Especially when it comes to make the money shot.
That's when I get teh confused though. OR used to.
These days I've determined Jack exists, but that St
does not. Know how... taxes. Jack pays his. St Nicholas
does not. No way he'd cross international and state
borders delivering unlimited amount of playful goods
without one form or another of the government
getting their cut.
No sir.

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