Saturday, December 22, 2007

In the Hall of the Mountain King

Multi-faceted jeweled crowns could turn into quite the rave.

Last night whilst visiting Nuthank in his dimly lit mountain hall a chance alignment of crown, and laser pointer occurred.

Ok, not chance. It happened to be brought there as a result of a traumatic incident involving a Siamese, a game of chase the dot, and the desire to avoid the situation again. The idea was to merely leave said laser pointer in some non-descript location maybe under a doilie.

Instead a full out rave was fomented. Chance brought the laser into contact with finger, chance brought the beam in contact with the crown jewels. The rest they say is history.

Inspired dancing can and does take place when an enraged feline attacks the sovereign crotch regions. The laser on the faceted crown, that was a by product.


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

Pretty lights and fancy accessories for your head, cat clawing at private parts for your primitive animal side, sounds like SOMEBODY has been playing with the ole Cenobite Puzzle Box ahaha.

Sundry Chicken said...

Nah, my dad just got back from the orient. He got me this great gift. It has big ears, eyes and is all furry and cuddly. I call him Gizmo. Ohhh, I just heard a noise, he's probably playing with the presents again.

Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

I'm allergic to cats.

Which I learned when my mom brought home these two kittens and had to keep them in my room because it was the only place in the house the dog wouldn't enter (cause I was the Big Dog in the House heh).

That was like fifteen years ago and the cats are still alive (although they're getting super scraggly looking) and they still think I'm their momma but I gotta wash my hands like an OCD guy everytime they mess with me heh.

Still, if something thinks yer its momma y'know you gotta be nice to it and give it some love even if yer allergic to the damn things ahaha.

Sundry Chicken said...

If it has fur I sneeze. My brother ends up at my place for the holidays and decides to bring their cute little punt-dog. I learnt this dog has a penchant for charging skunks while barking outside my window at 5.30 am on christmas morning. Somehow there wasn't any phew phew left and he escaped without getting us all gassed. So they leave, I'm thinking sure their newphews gave me a cold, their dog woke me up a few times and I'm allergic to him to boot... not that it matters when you're sick though... and now it's all nice and quiet and everybody is flying back home. Not a bad holiday really.

So I got a new cool showerhead with all these adjustable settings for xmas. I left it on the bathroom floor next to the shower the night before so I could install it when everybody left. As I'm opening the thing up I notice it's covered in what looks suspiciously like urine. Likely dog piss to be exact. Little bastard is now on my short list for revenge. Next time I'm in the north woods its payback time. Only consolation was that I was already planning on showering. Now my mom is gonna be so happy after I tell her that new hippy soap she got me really was nice. Wish my eyes didn't burn though.