Missing in most treatise is the concept of uni-lateral understanding. With scant exception efforts are made to bring disparate areas into concordance. Notable exceptions include cell-phone legal agreements, memorandum of understanding, religion, non-disclosure agreements and end-user-license agreements. Astute readers will immediately notice that many of these explicitly decree themselves to be agreements. The implication of course being that they are in fact two equal partners reaching a common area of understanding. This may indeed be true in both television and children's fables. However, being the consummate exemplar I shall refrain from stating so with any amount of clarity. Rather, I shall let French Fries illustrate by example (and to whom I would like to take a moment to offer my personal thanks for enjoyment of your tasty goodness). There is no binding agreement between French Fries and their consumer. Indeed I may love, hate, or be ambivalent in my opinions as to their taste. However, the fries get no voice in their enjoyment. They are simply experienced. It is indeed a one-sided deal. Namely, with the clear victor in the agreement being myself. It could therefore be posited that eating Fries, and by extension, eating is an uni-lateral agreement between yourself and food with you the food eater as the prime benefactor in the arrangement. Before you the reader make the logical leap to include the manifest universe, religion, politics, relationships and indeed all experiences in this allegorical bucket of fries it should be pointed out that as you are reading this both you and I are experiencing a temporally disconnected moment of both understanding and discordance. Undoubtedly, the world, the sun, and the universe all are unilaterally going to continue to go about their business of turning, burning and expanding regardless of your opinion on the matter. To which I would like to leave you with one question. In a post modern, narcissistic, self-relative world of manifest outward experience to whom does the rather unenviable task of converting fryer grease into bio-fuels fall?
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