Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Loci's Graveyard

Heat is not fun. Having to talk to somebody close to the edge of dropping the industry after they've spent 4-5 years fighting chaos only to learn that chaos is part and parcel if not THE driver of the industry means decompression walks have to be longer, hotter, more sweaty and less soothing. Unless you are a reptile. Given the genomic sequence of of this incarnation that is a near impossibility barring rapid and drastic technological advances. It can't be helped maybe. Though why chaos isn't taught and respected as the reason you are there to fight and earn a paycheck and make someone rich seems obtuse. Well maybe not. When you're building minions. I take it back, angels like being angels and devils devils as there isn't anything but from that view. Man bones, bacteria, code, life, its all against the chaos. The pantheon lost a few too many branches and now seems like esplaining all this stuff and turning someone back onto the path, but with a hidden dark chaotic core wrapped in white goodness is getting harder and harder. Who ever heard of a one legged Loki on a pogo-stick trying to cross the Atlantic. No one, cause the guy has no depth perception and drowned when he missed that first hop. It's a big one, even for him. Makes you wonder who gave him the helping hand, and why, so he can get up and try again and again. Snow is not going to come soon enough. The pond needs to freeze. Wait, now we gots ourselves the global warming. Guess it is time to call the god of war and see how his planet is doing. They at least got some reasonable termpura there. May even be able to make a nice ice cave.

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