Monday, July 16, 2007

The Blue Shirt Brigade

This shall be the post which once was, is, and sometimes isn't. The attributes it is indelibly endowed with from creation. Which ironically started out with forgetting to write it and writing about the same but different post instead. Pretty much like Schrödinger's left-handed cat. Which if you're like me you've never heard of. Now that it's been named it doesn't exist. If it hadn't been named it may exist... but now... nope, doesn't exist. Altogether a bit more slippery than the fluffy little Cheshire Alice chased from inside out. Similar, but different. Good thing too. If they ever existed in the same plane it'd turn into one nasty cat fight. So one slips sideways through the planar dimension we inhabit, while the other doesn't exist by it's very nature. So maybe it seems a bit improbable that both can and do exist. Maybe everything exists and you lack the pan-dimensional ability to see it all at once. Ask the guy in the blue shirt. Not the one you saw a few minutes ago, no. One of the guys of the blue shirt brigade. Course the problem with finding and asking them is a problem in and of itself. You see, they don't. So much like jumping at the ground and missing you've got to not see and then see. Once that happens it'll all become quite clear and maybe you'll slide over and ask your question. Maybe you'll be lucky and the brigade will stick around for an instant and chat. Maybe not, and they'll slide away to god knows where. There one instant and gone the next. Hold on a second. Oh, too late. Don't be daft... when is an orange just and orange? When it's a blue shirt. Could it be that this post is, is not, and doesn't exist, right now in this instant. Better off that way. Oh, and yes, maybe the last time you really saw a brigade of blue shirts you were lined up at second Manassas in the front picket line. Probably the last thing you saw too. More after the jump. And now it's more. Welcome to the 21st century. Next time don't be so literal.

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