Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Hot Hot Hot Like Ice

In spinach we trust.

Eat any good organic foods lately? Done any cancer-fighting, food mulching, spirit lifting quaffing of healthful bio-shakes? Maybe you should. From everything I hear you are what you eat. So why not head out and eat the best possible things you can lay your filthy, grubby, chubby little fingers on. I don't care if you are full. Eat some more. It shows everyone just how rich, successful, prosperous and well-to-do you've become. What better way to reflect your societal status than through exposing your size 42 waistline as you bend over to tie your shoe only to straighten back up and realize it's not worth the effort. So in addition to making door width expansion kits, I'm going to look into a shoe tying service. Why should you be terrified of bending over and not being able to stand back up, or worse yet, falling over and rolling downhill and crashing into an abandoned paint factory stockpiled with hazardous chemicals which are released as your rotundness rolls through the flimsy walls spraying industrial effluent about the joint? You should not. I'm hear to tell you that you need not leave in fear any more of typing your shoes. We'll have somebody take care of it for you. Trust us. We are the dependable shoe tying experts. Bar none. Ooops. Hope I didn't make you hungry with that. LOL. Oh wait, that's right, we're here to talk about the wonderus world of good food eating. It'll make you regular, thin, happy and well-adjusted. I seen it on the Tee-Vee last night. How's about you stop blocking teh tube and gets me another beer, eh?

K, CRa, CRa, CRa. Dance for the monkey everybody! And now back to our regularirly scheduled program. Ciao, over, good night, and god-speed. May the road rise to meet you and all your eating establishments stock hot fatty foods.

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