Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Butterfly TEacup

At least toast is pretty. Melba toast; not so much, more it is the red-headed stepchild of toaster products. Van Gogh probably was a fan of toast. Van Gogh was probably a fan of toast. Toast was probably a fan of Van Gogh. Why not, right? What makes toast unable to appreciate the rendering and expression of fiery humanity on canvas. Certainly it is not the yeast. We're covered in bacteria and yeasties, they swim in us like some great earthly ocean, our cities are their galaxies. Bacteria and yeast are toast fans for sure. This I know, they have done their best to eat all my toast before I can. Usually they succeed. Which is sad. Like not even cockroaches are that efficient, but these little guys flail around all day and end up winning. It is like that thing where somebody paints enough stuff and then viola out of some period comes the Sistine chapel and stuff. Not like yeast or Van Gogh were at all crazy they both just had a different appreciation of art than most. Toast well all can agree on.

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