Monday, March 10, 2008


Ishtar is one weird cookie. Who really gets off on having meat thrown at them besides weirdo derivative nerd types on ten-speed bikes? Speaking of which I've decided that hamburgers should be called meat-cookies. Makes a lot of sense. Especially if you consider those little white castle ones. Really, hamburger is not much of a name. Maybe it would be if you always wrapped the pattie in bacon or actually (shockingly) made it out of some weird part of a pig. Instead of grinding up the celestial bull and using him as hamburger it seems like calling it something great like meat-cookies would impart a sense of greatness, mangificence and general overall grandeur to the whole deal. Gilgamesh sure as hell didn't get credit for helping create hamburgers. He didn't get credit for creating the plot line for uncounted numbers of zombie movies either. I mean though, who else would have pissed off Ishtar enough to raise the dead. Between inventing hamburgers and zombies I'm going to have to say G was one phat kitteh.

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