Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Electric storm

Today the taquitos won out. Ham sammiches may be coming, but they will not be coming without a fight. In the interests of saving money and maximizing profits little things like good cooking and tasty food are getting in the way. Solution: get rid of both. Result: Maximized profits! Actual Result: Pissed off customers who stop spending any money whatsoever.

Someday I hope that taquitos are available to all and that Santa Claus will even bring them to everyone on Halloween instead of having chocolate eggs with some white cream type filling which grosses me out.

Oh yeah, then there is this thing that taquitos and magnetic waves got going on. Harmonic resonance or something like that. Both can do it so you got ubar taquitos and luzor taquitos and everything sliding up and down between. Just like with magnets except I'm not sure that it's like that. Sure works for all the other waves though.

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