Monday, March 10, 2008


Politics is the anvil upon which stupidity is forged into conformity.

CNN, mmporgs, and aggregatorz have taught me this. Not that this is either surprising, news, or worth talking about. What is worth it is the rapid fusion of the powers into a alliance of self-serving ignorance.

Today after watching a squirrel stop in the road, take 3 seconds or so to judge the speed of my car, and then run frantically back to the curb, it was forever apparent that deer are pretty dumb. Dumber than squirrels. If they surpass lemmings in the raw brainpower department remains to be seen.

Squirrels can find nuts and avoid traffic. How many people can do the same? Apparently not many. Every day it seems more and more people decide that walking IN the street rather than on the sidewalk is normal. Maybe they lack an education in physics, or perhaps being chased by neighborhood dogs and run down by anything with wheels has bred a race of squirrels which far exceeds the previous generations in pure mental capacity. I know not. Next time I commune with some shaman I'll find out though.

Finding nuts on the internet is not small thing. Some companies based their business on doing just that. Not that I'm proposing to create a global pool of squirrels willing to perform querries for each and every one of you. It is a good idea, but off topic. Avoiding traffic, while also a good idea, is also off topic and really bad for efficient caching, so again... off teh table.

Again though, dependence upon third powers to collect, filter and bring your daily entertainment and information into your growing bubble of knowledge is dangerous. Swarms of locust are really good at devastating ecosystems and moving on. When they can't move on, they die. Monoculture and overspecialization lead to extinction. All I'm saying is you all should be more like cockroaches. Consume everything. Even the cardboard that the twinkie came in.

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