Tuesday, March 04, 2008


Funny thing happened on the way to work this morning.

Driving along somewhere between home and work the realization struck that virga is like what 99% of all businesses base their operating principles on. The precipitation never hits the ground. It all just dries up before really getting anywhere. Makes me wonder how VC firms end up making any money at all. Once in a great while maybe there is some freak storm and they end up recouping their investment. Otherwise it is kind of like the ultimate in trickle down economics, well except that part where there is something left over. Virga is more accurate. It all dries up and then everybody is sitting there wondering where it all went. Well it freaking disappeared. One time I saw this magician. I think he was called Siegfried (not important to the story). He was very lame. Except he had these really big white tigers behind this glass wall with all these waterfalls and lush plants and stuff. The tigers looked pretty happy and everything. Probably they were high and drugged. Later I heard they tried to bite the magicians head off. If it had been raining and they had been outside they wouldn't have cared one bit about the magician. They would have already ate him long ago. Next thing I know I'm in a violent braking skid trying to miss this crazy dude who was walking down the middle of the street bright o' early in the morning. Next time I'm going to pull a rabbit out of the glove box and give it to him. He clearly was in need of one. Good thing I packed my lunch in a ziplock bag this morning too. The tiger in the backseat didn't have an inkling it was there and I had a wonderful lunch. Now if I only could make the dents in my grill that that damn magician made when I ran him over accidentally after noticiing the tiger in the car I'd call it a banner day. As it is though... it was mostly normal.

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