Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Everything eats. nom nom NOM

The part about stuff living off our planet and consuming radiation is pretty interesting. Everything eats something to survive in this place. The biological food chain on Wild Kingdom, PBS and in school was obvious. Like sometimes you even understood that animals were eating all the time. Eating plants, each other, cannibalization, munchination, and mastication on inanimate objects like bones and happy-fun-ball. A big round-table of life where the wheel ground one being up for another to live on. Rolling over and over, recycling meat, plants, protein, sugars, atoms, energy and on back into more of the same.

Space travel makes you recycle and the idea of drinking recycled piss-water scares everybody. Except where you think your water comes from? Like some brontosaurus got scared millions of years ago, dropped a load, pissed 'isself and ran off after seeing some small rodent running around in the underbrush. This is how elephants ended up being afraid of mice (assuming you understand evolution and its consequences) and how that glass of water, beer or whiskey you had prolly came outta the business end of one extremely large schlong at some point. Sure it got filtered, evaporated, subliminated and condensed along the journey to your mouth... but all the same it is really a matter of time scale. Recycling fast, or slow? Pick your poison Julius.

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