Wednesday, May 14, 2008


The holy ghost ate my chili-cheese fries. Totally unacceptable. After all gnomes, dwarves, and disembodied goats are expected to do such things.

Ghosts ? E_HELL_NO : chili-cheese fries;

See, no. You cannot and shall not partake of my fries again. Bread, unleavened or otherwise... totally acceptible. Bacon? Still ok. Terra-firma it is not, but possible. Now when and where the rules were changed to allow for fry eating none tell. BECAUSE THE RULES WERE NEVER CHANGED. You can laugh, you can sing, you can dance, but you cannot eat the fries. Oh no. See there are lines, rules and boundaries which are sacrosanct, places where devils and dust do not go and angels visit not. Much less ghosts. Places such as the oven, my kitchen, and unquestionably the interior of the refrigerator in said kitchen. Deign to steal the fries again and you will find them surreptitiously replaced with prima-loft, which I hear is both foul and insidious in that the consumer is left wanting a tasty beverage in order to finish the meal. There doesn't even need to be anything more said about that. It is well known what happened with that last beverage.

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