Sunday, May 11, 2008


My old friend from Austin said once over breakfast that ritual was important. Especially when things have no base and are largely dynamic.

Stories are ritual, really good stories are a blending of stories, messages, insights. Like a van gogh with many shades they all blend into one loud harmonic message. Looking sideways though the singular points come out, then looking again there is another, the colors blend into shades which blend into harmony. Great ones do this over and over and over in a single story, like music, but delayed bursts of understanding.

The Heavenly Pit and jeb corliss, which i guess is really Journey to the Center in the parlance was like a bright mote, but there are other things which are harmonic and so layered that you wonder. In a world where animals are all but extinct, a simulated man releases a simulated dove, or not. Though both movies are the edge, the falling, the landing. Blue skies cya.

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