Wednesday, May 07, 2008


The world of ghosts exists alongside the real world. Things move along well enough in both it could be said. Action, adventure, challenges, disappointments and triumphs. The two worlds even bleed over into each other at times. A dawn and dusk between night and day between ghostland and reality.

Mostly though the shades stay down and the two pass silently side by side, day after day, night after night. Occasionally the shades are lifted and elevated into a different world. Things seem too bright, too intense and just too jarring and real. So the shades go back down.

Swimming through fuzzy dreams or flying through a world of radiant lucidity.

Futures so bright, gotta wear shades.


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

The darkness makes all the surfaces thin and weak, and it makes everything bleed together, and it attempts to cool and soothe and lull everything it touches, and we are actually designed to resist its powers, physically, as warm blooded creatures, but unfortunately, our powerful imaginations and weak senses make us susceptible to it on every other level.

But then again there's something to be said for the way that horrible things are somehow even more horrible when they're allowed to stagger about and scream wildly in the sunshine, unchallenged, in all their grisly and gaudy technicolor glory, in light that is so bright and glaring that it forces you to squint and shade your eyes to see them well.

Sundry Chicken said...

weak imaginations and powerful senses blur the line, drop the shade... and which are you, man? the angel, the demon, or