Thursday, May 01, 2008

Granola slide

Eating and researching equals ahhhhhh. Or is it ARGHHHHHHHH. Or is it man jumping off a cliff.

All I know is I'm casually chomping away on some dinner and innocently visit wikipedia. Next thing I know my worldview is being challenged and redefined by some weird way of classifying and making something into a metaphore which then somehow turns around and becomes metonymy in polysemy. Next thing I know link after link has flown by and nothing is anything like what it used to be and synecdoche pops up. Then it all turns into some kind of blur and makes a nice vodka drink seem exceedingly enticing. If captain picard was here he'd just use the negotiating skills like he did that one time with that race which didn't use language and a language is describe and broke the translator. Meta meta morph. Where is my crunchy dinner, I was just eating. Swear to god the internet is the worst house-guest ever. No contest. Like that one ex-shaman, he at least made sense, as did the potter and the florist. Internet it just has more stuff and baggage than seemed concievable. Maybe it should be the inconcievable internet. Or if a web-page dies on the net does anyone hear. That at least reminds one of long past days of blowing sands, sunsets and home cooked hummus and roti.

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