Saturday, April 12, 2008

Analog us

What's to stop everything from happening at once. Nothing but us.

That doesn't though. Still and all it's everywhere right now going on. Tree growing, crabs running the beaches, birds soaring, owls swooping, wolves prowling, cows chomp chomp chomping.

Lasers like don't even focus. The ARE the only single part of light they can be. Which is like the single bit of being which is like our being and whence and what everyone is striving to be. Shutting out the encompassing infinity of it all. Focusing on a few key bits, maybe a marriage here, a car there, a lifetime, happiness in a few moments of success, but they all are the partial bit of the all. Evolvement or restriction of view, collapsing of possibility and thought into a strucutred piece of a greater whole.

Like music, good music is a strain, a trail, a cascade of like things strung along like a trail of bread or gold for the following. Trained like bloodhounds is what it comes to. Follow the scent, single out the important, hold on that which is important and good. Learning to that end leads to the tunneled hole of the infinite. Oddly enough. Down the rabbit hole Alice did fall, and upon falling and falling past Balrogs, fire, storms, peace, life and death without grounding did Alice alight upon a field of play. Card play.

Random chance and cards swirling about the possible skies. 52 digital notes falling in a snow of card paper light. Oh but the drugs I tell you, the drugs. They opened the door. The door to perception and everything happened at once and the card, the tree, Alice, the Queen, rabbit and cat laughed when the reality of themselves become only possiblity, shredding into an analog sunrise, untold infinite possiblity crunching through the gravel of your driveway in the mornings light. Yeah that. Except, oh wait, there are no drugs. Just reality. There is not a door, not girl, not a cat, not sky, not a lion roaring of Aslan. No, I'm afraid not.

Sqwealch on that spectrum, burying the closed doors, the refinment and the taste of the laser. Yup, in the focus laser light of evolution and education it all seems to be such a nice straight stair. A stairway to heaven. Untiling the last step is stepping and edge and infinite come into sight. There and here, without you or I or they or black or white is us. Analog us.


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

Yah, this stuff yer doing is totally awesome, man.

Just thought I'd say something straight up 'cause all I'm really tempted to do is reply in poems about how everything in the world is drawn with the same crayon, one bit at a time, really quickly, and the colors change with the speed of the guy moving the crayon, and when the crayon is used up, its time to turn the page and start over with a new crayon.

But that'd seem almost like, I dunno, poem-war or something, instead just being appreciative and inspired to think of cool stuff and entertained, which is what I really am heh.

Sundry Chicken said...


Et tu maru.

Wars are all the rage, could be fun, it's been getting kinda quiet round here as of late. Angry hippy chicks disgusted with my drunken sidewalk ranting excepted.

Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...
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Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

Yah I know you need feedback, somebody to duel with, to help keep you sharp, and I know you don't really need anybody as good as you at this kinda junk to do it, a straight man that can take a Die Hard style beating would be fine.

But I'd hate to get whupped over and over again in front of everybody like those dudes that always had to play against the Harlem Globe Trotters ahaha.

Sundry Chicken said...

Yeah a muse is a muse is a muse. Sometimes it is a rock, a tree, a chaotic driver, the news, other people, personas, personas non grata... well it's all good in the end. Fun as well.

Doesn't everybody aspire at least once in their life to be the red shirted security guy given his first chance to beam down with the bridge officers on an exciting and daring away mission? Though I have to admit with all honesty that the last time something like that happened it resulted in a colledge edumucashun and a free hat. Least the hat was worthless.