Monday, April 21, 2008


Breaks happen slowly. The hairline crack, running along, not looking like anything to be concerned with. The slowly spidering out into more and more cracks. Then the whole thing cascades past a certain point of stability and breaks into a million tiny pieces as crack after crack intersects. This is the tale of the rear-view mirror on the VW bus parked at the 4/20 celebration for the imbabation of the weed of illegality. Not that there is anything wrong with cracks, or weeds. Just that both are weak. Immitations of the normal process of breaking from and experiencing reality. Breaks are no longer acceptible, nor encouraged. Not unless substances are used to induce them. Substances lead to outside authority and the ability to enforce, monitor and control experiences. Experiences which should be entirely under ones own control. Controlling the breaks doesn't happy. It is like holding liquid in your hands. It runs out, cup it and it evaporates. That in the end is what happens a large fragmented and wildly running system, right up to the point the entire thing shatters under it own weight and peieces of the former whole fly everywhere, all shapes and sizes leaving the old behind. Now if only you could find some strange power, some mind control, some invisible waves capable of communicating and molding thought, some type of ring to covet and control. Some type of system that would hold the mirror together for just a few moments longer. Oh, but that mirror, it reflects only the object of reflection, the self, the ego. That mirror, the mirror destined to break, that mirror the one holding you in its hand. The mirror is only water. It cannot be held, it cannot be broke.

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