Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Post New

Your parents were stupid. They thought the same of their's. As did their's.
Kids are stupid. Your parents thought you were and worried that it would all turn out ok. Their parents thought the same of them.

Keep going. You think all those ancient people who made flint arrowheads, axe's, atlatls, pottery and generally whupped mother nature into the gentle little playtoy we see today were dumb. Sure you do. We have technology. We are smart. They didn't have all that stuff cause they were dumb. Simple really. Except it doesn't work like that.

Neanderthals weren't stupid, maybe not the ultimate winners, but they had a pretty good run. Until they ran into our distant relatives. See we're all related too. So you are related to some pretty dumb people if you think everybody is slow, stupid and generally ignorent and stuff.

The real reason a time machine would be great is to be able to go back and find out just how crazy smart a whole bunch of the old ones were. You don't get anywhere being dumb. Otherwise you end up as hyenia-chow. Not a nice place to be, no.

Intelligence, knowledge and wisdom are very distinct things. Funny thing is that sometimes the most intelligent and correct course of action appears dumb to someone on the outside.

Think I'm joking? Think about Plato and Play-doh. Subtle. Pretty soon everything will be wrapped in bubble wrap and everybody will say nice things to each other all the time because of soma in the drinking water. No need for training wheels anymore, bikes are just too dangerous. Yup, time to go play in the grass with the rabbits and sunshine and revel in the magnificence of modern times. Life has never been better, nor has there been a better people.

Which is probably true.

Depending upon your definition of better, probably, and truth.


Anonymous said...


no I disagreez.

the ONLY purpose for the time machine is

a) go back in time and fuck shit up....

2) go back in time and invest in pantyhose companies

X) go forward in time and fuck shit up while wearing pantyhoos.

Neanderthals were stringy and not good eating, tho, I saw a infodocumetainmentercial in which they said neanders got sad when their pals died and would pile rocks on their filthy bodies so they could live up to the bumper sticker pillilospshy that sez "out of side out of mine."


Sundry Chicken said...

You been up late watching Raising Arizona again? I TOLD you mixing that a pizza was gonna cause trouble.