Monday, April 21, 2008


It has been noted that the binary star companion to our own star has observable periods of red and blue shifts in the wavelength. Indeed, these shifts have been verified as being the result of the approach and departure of the companion at near light speeds.

Nearly all other observed binary star systems do not exhibit this behavior.

Due to recent global and political events discussion has begun to investigate the feasibility of creating a long-term biosphere survival strategy. One popular idea is to create a genetic and biological repository and cast it adrift in deep space to orbit around our star until such time as needed. There are numerous challenges to this approach.

An alternative idea is to accelerate the repository to a velocity near to the speed of light. Relativistically this ensures that the contents will remain viable and in a state of superior preservation in relation to our home system. It may prove possible to include current members of our own race in order that they may return and colonize. In effect they can be considered time travelers bringing biodiversity from the distant past upon their deceleration and return home.

The technology to create such a system is well within our grasp. Once the decision is made, the will-power and required efforts involved are not insurmountable.

It should also be noted that we may not be the first to arrive at this idea. It cannot be ruled out that the aforementioned binary companion to our own system is in fact such a repository placed in high extended orbit around our own star.

While remote, the possibility can not be discounted. It is our recommendation that two efforts be undertaken.

Firstly, immediate collection, sequestration and construction of a long-term repository, including methods of storage, launch, acceleration and communication.

Secondly, a parallel effort to determine the status of our binary star companion. Should investigation prove positive, communication and retrieval is the logical next step.


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

Okay, your human backup array puts way cooler and creepier pictures in my head than my human backup array heh.

Sundry Chicken said...

You already have one? Dammit, I so was thinking for once maybe my subconcious wasn't vomiting back up some rehashed story I read that somebody already imagined and wrote up. Gonna have to find that quote about art equating to theft. Plus you GOTTA consider that maybe you should start wearing a brainwave protective device so that your memories of the colonization are not suppressed by the geostationary sattelites which are part of the master plan. It has helped me. A lot. The good news is that they can be made from common tin foil as found at your supermarket.

Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

No no no that ain't what I meant, I mean, I had this really vague and lame idea of what a Human Backup Array would be like in my head but your thing is totally awesome and alive with all sorts of freaky moving parts and possibilities and stuff.

And you got that thing going where the character seems to think he/she/whatever knows what he/she/whatever is doing ('cause he's all scientific and serious about stuff) but at the same time they are getting ready to do something that makes you wanna stand up in the audience and scream at the screen: "no don't do that you idiot its a mounstrously humongous and ancient star-sized machine you don't know what its for its gonna be filled with naked vampire alien zombie chicks or something!" and that's the best shizzle there IS man y'know that's like the plot of a bad dream or something.

'Cause at the same time, we WANNA see what's inside that big dark alien star-shaped thing out there that keeps peeking in on us (or mebbe its peeking in on Mars, or the Sun, or who knows what).

Anyways that's all yours man I din't have nothing to do with that heh.

And I CERTAINLY never told anybody about my tinfoil hat ahaha.

Sundry Chicken said...

Man if you'd wear that hat I couldn't grovel round inside your head and watch your thoughts like there were some kind of 50's TV show. Not even those parts with the little cowboy hat dude in the red-ryder wagon.

Sundry Chicken said...

reminds me of something i heard about insanity simply being the inability to communicate. wasn't this dude but close enough.

not that i'm implying you are insane or anything. just me. cool thing is you can choose to be insane and accept nothing given to you... OR everybody else is pushing a totally whacked version of the universe on you and they are all insane. Heh. Dammit. Now I did go and steal a good idea from that Yossarian dude.

Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

There's no such thing as sanity.

Trust me, I'm from the future.