Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Conan the Bacterium

How hard would it be to get some 10 or 20 pound rocks, seed them up with a nice collection of things like Tardigrade and Deinococcus radiodurans load them onto a large cannon (too bad saddam is dead) able to reach orbital escape velocity and heave these little guys on their own little planetoid express packages out into the reaches of space. Pepper a few on the moon, mars, venus, asteriod belt objects, you name it rocks are cheap. Spread these guys far and wide. They'd like venus. I can just tell. Nobody ever talks about venus. Which means there are probably already sentient lifeforms there who are capable of making everyone forget and/or be bored by venus. Sure it looks like hell. But everybody knows somebody that is going there. So that proves venus is habitable. What is really suspicious is if these little guys haven't already taken a ride across the vacuum wastes of space to reach or escape from earth. Those really nice large impact events kick up enough debris and trash that a chunk of it ablates right back out into space. The seeds could have already been sown, or have been sown and we are the fruit. Stranger things have happened. Like... oh no... not this time. This time the story ends here. Venetians or no Venetians.

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