Saturday, April 26, 2008


5 minutes of pvp button clicking, cane whuppin later my brown hair balding quarry was bleeding and severely bruised. Smoking a pack of cigs before that was entertaining in a textually deviant kind of way. All in all a nice way to spend 20 minutes of time. No annoying noise, graphics or nothing to get in the way of my clickly clicky click button mashing. It's no kingdom of loathing, but hey. Your turns all run out sometime. Then where you gonna go? Ironically maybe I'll ascend my KoL character so they are both hanging out in the ethereal realms doing nothing of value. Oh wait, I live there. Now. My guess is that since I have not checked in the last few minutes that its time to make the donuts. Oh and yes, you lose.


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...
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Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

1. To know of the Game is to lose the Game.

2. There is no way to win the Game.

3. Trying to modify or add creative new Rules to the Game won't make you win or lose the game any more or any less.

4. Taking pride in losing the Game does not make you lose the Game any less, but it does make you lose at losing the Game.

5. Taking pride in losing at losing the Game doesn't make you lose at losing the Game any less, but it does make you lose at losing at losing the Game.

Joe Sixpack said...

Dammit. I lost the game.