Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Periods of extreme slowness frequented by areas of disinterest.

Which of the following best describes your current situation?

___ employment history
___ whining sled dogs
___ faustian bargain
___ bumblebee

A: Edges of perspective trail near to chaotic.
Q: Which static parts are immutable?

Extra credit: Koan is zen?


Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

1. Ah this is not an existential question its an employment one ain't it?

I'd have to go with Faustian Bargain on an macrocosmic existential level (even though it ain't exactly Faustian and it wasn't much of a Bargain heh) and "whatever pays the rent without hurting anybody" on the microcosmic level.

Even though I detect a bit of "do you want to be the boss or a slave or are you a gypsy bumblebee" behind all this stuff, and I really ain't into any of those things 'cause its dependent on the assumption that everybody around you isn't the same kinda kid in the kindergarten as you are.

Anyways somewhere in all that I'd like to be somewhere where they got a lot of trees and good breakfasts and smart people doing something that made things better for folks.

2. Can't talk about this one without sounding all flowery.

I THINK that all you are that is immutable is where you have put your attention so far.

Although you are always growing all the time so the past isn't all that important compared to your new growth.

You could think of growth as healing if yer THAT stuck in a rut heh.

That's the least flowery I can get it.

And I'm not really an expert or anything, and even if I did think I knew what came after death, I still wouldn't think I know what comes after what comes after death heh.

3. Yeah but there is more to Zen and more than Zen.

All delusions are bad when yer ignorant of 'em, but some of 'em are really fun once you get to know 'em, so its up to you whether you wanna just sit there and know it all and be perfect or get up and shake the flower of ever-unfolding mystery some and make sparks shoot out the top of it heh.

The tougher guys can dance with the illusions and never break a sweat.

Illusions are just another thing to be understood.

But I'm not into Zen like some of those guys that are trying to come to terms with their fear of death and all that.

And you don't get to bring all the memories that are stored in the organic nooks and crannies of your brain with you when you die either so I'm not on any team that has that as a premise that's just like the mental version of "die with the most toys" heh.

Which is also not to say that the patterns aren't born and shaped by other patterns, and so there is always a way to recognize your ancestors and buddies.

But Zen and Buddhism and even Hinduism is pretty wildly brilliant man, as like a physics or a science, and not really "what to do with it."

Although Hinduism is starting to move into the "pretty" and "passionate" side of things.

At least imho.

Anyways reaching new levels or understanding is handy around the house sometimes.

You just gotta be careful with the "book" people who want it all to be about the "books" they happen to have on sale for 14.99 or whatever heh.

Edit: Just cleaning up typos there's no sense in leaving 'em in something that's probably confusing enough without 'em ahaha.

Sundry Chicken said...

1. Just learnt the delete comment selection does something. Constructive even.

One facet,
Bumblebees though there are many. Knowledge is a diamond. Oh wait. Though perhaps only if you are a jeweler.

Be all you can be. Be what you can be. You can be all. Be.

Ole Bald Angus the Monk said...

I've always liked "the cucumber is cucumbering."

But them old koans seem kinda lame and lifeless and one-dimensional compared to some of the satori-shock stuff I've seen you do in like, every single thing you've ever written heh.

I think that's the way its really supposed to be done though, you're supposed to come up with your OWN koan-type-thingies to make your buddies laugh and go "oh man" and stuff (laughter can be a sign of reaching a new level of understanding) and not just read them old ones like the wikipedia says.

Zen is really the only philosophy I can think of that put a lot of serious emphasis on comedy, they've got an ancient version of southpark (I think its called "the two fools" or something like that) and everything.

Its not the zen master and the midwife thing though, that's different.

Wish I could remember all the specifics of this junk better but its been a long time and a million billion roads since I studied all that.

I'm pretty sure there's another kind of "zen prayer for satori" type thingie besides the Koan bit but I've been drawing a blank all day about this stuff and I feel too proud to dig it all up.

Plus, after peeking at the wikipedia to see what you were reading I'm a little worried I'd become misinformed, since I learned all the Zen stuff I know by looking through the actual archaeological stuff back when there was no internet.

Sundry Chicken said...

Sigh. I didn't even get to point #2.

But no worries. I will be impressed. I forget everything. Tomorrow I will relearn my job, my life, and use this blog to decypher my persona.

Maybe as someone "once said", it is time to let the "donkeys fall off the wheel cart".

Man, now I am just all confused. It might be time to blog.

Koans seem lifeless because they rhyme with Doans which is all about the old people and medicating up to feel young and such. Wait, that IS koan.

Sundry Chicken said...

Oh. THATS what satori means. Fair enough. Perceptive. Course I got kenso and kancho confused for a minute. Boy would that be embarrassing.