Sunday, April 27, 2008

Nothing but net

Please excuse our mess.

The abondonment of spellcheck and backspace along with a lack of respect for proper proofreading leads to an abundance of grammatical, tense and factual errors. Breaks with reality nonwithstanding.

Whilst certain situations demand and are enhanced by the use of the above methods other situations are like the rest of life and happen fast, sloppy, and with no rewind button.

Then there is also the paradox of the persian rug weavers who weave a rug so perfect that in order to not offend god add an intentional error.

There is no telling which of the three are true. There may be even a fourth, known as sloth, apathy and laziness. See that is really 4-6, but applying the principles means there is no going back. Except on the net.

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